Grounding Liability Insurance
Aircraft grounding events fueled by commercial, technological and regulatory pressures have increasingly affected the commercial air transport industry in recent years. Grounding liability insurance provides protection from the financial ramifications of these events.
Extensive Grounding Liability Insurance Experience
Global Aerospace clients benefit from our first-hand experience underwriting grounding cover and handling resultant claims. Our proactive approach has included the development of policy language that provides greater certainty for insureds, brokers and underwriters.
Guiding Clients Through Complex Grounding Claims
Grounding events are complex, and our team helps clients navigate grounding incidents so that they are promptly and adequately compensated for approved claims.
We offer coverage for:
- Occurrence Groundings
- Non-Occurrence Groundings
- Partial Groundings

Close Collaboration With Trusted Industry Experts
As important as the details of your grounding liability insurance coverage is the fact that you are guided and supported by aviation insurance professionals with deep expertise and a reputation for always putting our clients’ interests first.
To learn more about grounding liability insurance, please contact your local Global Aerospace Underwriter.
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